Yes, the Radiothon is moving to our new Dr. F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital this year!  And the FHHR and Moose Jaw Health Foundation want you to know they'll waive all parking fees for the 36 hour Radiothon!

We've set the dates and the goal for the 10th Annual 800 CHAB Family First Radiothon in support of the Moose Jaw Health Foundation.

The 10th annual Radiothon will take place May 5 & 6.

As you'll hear, MJHF Executive Director Kelly McElree says we need to finish off paying for our new hyperbaric oxygen chamber and we also need a few other items to improve the quality of care at the new Wigmore Regional Hospital in Moose Jaw.  McElree and long-time Radiothon volunteer Ken Hawkes talked with CHAB's Rob Carnie.

Dr. Fred Wigmore, the FHHR Senior Medical Officer, tells us that some of his colleagues from across the country marvel at the generosity of Moose Jaw and surrounding area.  Listen to his visit with CHAB's Rob Carnie.

Through the first nine years of the Radiothon, you've helped us raise over $3.4 million dollars for new equipment that was used in the old Union hospital, and now in the new Dr. F.H. Wigmore regional hospital. 

Director of Clinical Services - FHHR, Laurie Albinet, says your donations have truly made a big impact on the local health care system.  CHAB's Rob Carnie spoke with Albinet about the Radiothon, her role with the FHHR and more.

Long-time local surgeon Dr. George Miller is now Department Head - General Surgery - Dr. F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital and a veteran of nine 800 CHAB Family First Radiothons!  He was in for a recent edition of The Heartland at Noon with Rob Carnie.

Part One

Part Two