Do you still send Christmas cards to friends and family?  It seems to me it's a tradition that started fading away a few years ago but there are still some keeping it alive. 

I remember my mom and dad coming together at the kitchen table in early December, every year.  They'd have a box of cards, envelopes, stamps and a couple of nice fountain pens.  Oh, and coffee and cigarettes, of course! 

As I recall, they also had the stack of the cards we received the year before - making sure we reciprocated.  

I also remember long-distance telephone calls weren't exactly cheap back in the 70s - if you made too many or talked too long the SaskTel bill could reach a ridiculous total.  Postage stamps were only 8 or 10 cents back then. 

So, times have changed.  Many of us have unlimited long-distance privileges in our cellular plans.  We also have social media including Facetime and other video chat services like Zoom and WhatsApp. 

I don't send cards anymore but I still receive them - four so far this Holiday Season.  And, I'll return the best wishes - via telephone, Facebook messenger and e-mail.   

It's the thought that counts, right?