It means to cause someone to lose determination or confidence;  discouraging or dispiriting.

The world is "disheartened".

That's how I felt late last week when I read a social media post from a local teacher who wrote, "So, the kids and I are out for a bike ride...We see a group of 8 teenagers get into a car that fits 6.  I'm so mad.  Wake up people.  Here were 15 of not seeing my parents and our friends.  The kids missing sports and not playing with kids on the street and then we have people totally selfish."

That's the truth.  If you and yours are not taking responsibility and avoiding close contact with others, you're part of the problem.  

I saw that problem myself on the weekend.  A small car full with 4 teenagers, sipping on their sodas and opening up the snacks they just got at the neighbourhood convenience store, seemingly oblivious to the fact we need to stay away from each other.

Come on, people.  We're better than that.  We have to be better than that...for each other.