Carnie's Comments

A friend of mine who loves Facebook Friday told me to watch her page for some good ones.  That was weeks ago.  I finally found one. She shares;  "Two tips for Christmas:  Forget the past.  You can't change it.  Forget the present...I didn't get you one!"

This local lady says;  "People are mad about not being able to go places.  Please, I was grounded 90% of the time between 7th and 12 grades.  I trained for this."

Another local woman getting some likes with this one;  "I will do ANYTHING to meet a nice long as it's not using dating apps, being friendly in person or staying up past 10."

I like this one;  "Swearing: Because sometimes 'gosh darn' and 'meanie head' just don't cover it."

One of my buddies writes;  "My luck is like a bald guy who just won a comb."

And, one more to ponder;  "Do you think the guy that coined the term "one hit wonder" ever came up with any other popular phrases?"