I'm thinking about my first bike today as Boh's Cycle and Sporting Goods and Marin Bikes out of California put up this week's prize in our 15 Weeks of Winning contest on CHAB. 

I think I was 6 or 7 years old.  I had learned how to ride from my neighbourhood friends on their bikes because I didn't have one.  My dad assured me he'd buy me one when we could afford it. 

In the meantime, one of my friends said I could use his any time.   

So, one hot summer evening when I felt like going for a ride, I walked down to his place.  I went into the backyard, jumped on his bike and away I went.  It was a fairly extensive tour, as I recall.  I was probably gone for about an hour.  I thought I'd stop at home for a drink of Kool-Aid before I returned the bike. 

So, as I approached my house there was a police car in the driveway.  I thought something terrible had happened.   

I rode into my yard and my friend's mom, standing next to a cop, pointed at me and said "That's him!  That's my boy's bike!" 

That's right.  They were looking for the neighbourhood bike thief.  That was me, apparently.  Boy, did I get a tongue lashing from that kid's mom, the cop and from my own parents.  None of them were very interested in my side of the story. 

Oh, by the way, my dad bought me a bike a couple of days later.