There was a time when we were children that we had no idea where it came from or where it went when it ran down the drain.  Remember those carefree days?


Water.  Clean, fresh water.  We go to the tap and there it is.  Real handy.  We drink it, we use it to wash dishes, clothing and bedding...we bathe and shower with hot water from our very own tanks;  In fact, we have so much fresh water we use it in our toilets and flush it away.


Oh, and remember when your water bill was $30 or $40 every three months?  Those days are gone.


City of Moose Jaw administration is telling us to get ready for yet another 9% rate hike for water and sewer next year.  We've been dealing with those increases for 10 years. City Finance Director Brian Acker says no one really knows when it might end because we're facing a $100 million price tag for a number of much-needed upgrades.


Clean, fresh water.  I don't think many of us take it for granted anymore, do we?