They're bored.  Some are angry and many are worried. 

Canadian kids are struggling just like many adults during this pandemic. 

Results are in from a new study from The Angus Reid Institute.  They "canvassed children aged 10 to 17 across the country about their thoughts, expectations and concerns about these unprecedented times". 

The study found "bored" was the "most common word they use to describe how they've been feeling".  71% chose that word. 

It's also interesting to note, 41% say they just feel "normal" but some admit to feeling anger.  Older kids are twice as likely to say they feel "angry". 

What about the home schooling?  Well, 75% say they're "keeping up" but 60% are having trouble staying motivated with 57% saying they dislike the current arrangement.   

54% of Canadian kids say it's their friends they miss the most with 16% saying they miss the extra curricular activities the most - things like sports and school clubs. 

Our children are also very worried these days.  15% worry about getting sick themselves, 22% worry about their parents getting sick and 20% worry about mom and dad losing their jobs.