Carnie's Comments


I remember reading about the trade when I was a little boy and my dad being disappointed with it.

It was 1972 when the San Francisco Giants traded an aging Willie Mays to the New York Mets. That's where "The Say Hey Kid" finished his illustrious career.

Mays was my dad's favourite player and the Giants his favourite team. The only time dad didn't pull for the Giants was when they were playing the Expos.

We didn't get a lot of baseball games on the television when I was a boy but I read all about Willie Mays in the newspapers and the magazines. I remember some reports saying he should have retired instead of playing for the Mets. 

Mays was 42 years old when he played his final season in '73. He only played 66 games that year, hitting 6 home runs. That, after he had 654 homers in 22 seasons previous to that one.

Many still say he was baseball's best all-around player. He could do it all. 

Willie Mays passed away yesterday at the age of 93.

You know, I think I've still got one of baseball cards from his days with the Mets. I'm going to look for it and if I find it, it'll be a keeper.