Carnie's Comments


It's time for Twitter Tuesday! I find the best of the week from some of the colourful characters I follow.

This guy says, "Welcome to Twitter. It's like high school except everyone has bad knees."

I like this, "Everything is so fast and has less meaning now. I miss how long it used to take for movies to be released on video. Yes, video. Shut up."

This cat lady Tweets, "If my cat only knew how hard I work to provide her treats and nice home she would definitely still not care."

Here's a girl, first thing this morning, "I feel like being a nuisance today."

A question, "Why can't I ever get the parchment paper to tear straight along the hacksaw blade glued to the side of the box?"

This fella shares, "95% of forest fires are caused by someone walking in corduroy pants."

A frustrated mom Tweets, "Have kids so your 7-year-old can talk non-stop about a movie he plans to make while you're trying to watch the movie he insisted on watching."

And we'll finish with this, "The difference between ignorance and indifference? I don't know and I don't care."