Carnie's Comments


It's Throwback Thursday - a minute to reminisce about days gone by.

I think it was the summer of '72. I'd have been 7 years old and my buddy invited me to the family cabin at the lake. 

51 years later I still remember that weekend because I experienced lake life for the first time. I took my first boat ride, dropped a line in the water hoping for a fish and sat around a campfire for the first time..

My buddy, his mom and dad and I spent several hours in the boat on a Saturday afternoon and the dad was the only one who caught a fish. It was so exciting. I'd never seen anyone catch a fish before.

I remember him saying, "That's a nice pickerel!"

It was - a big, fat walleye - big enough for all of us to enjoy a fresh fish dinner.

My buddy's mom breaded that fish up and fried it in butter. She served it with mashed potatoes and piping hot creamed corn.

It was one of the best meals I've ever had.