Central Collegiate and the School Community Council (SCC) have teamed up to host a fundraising tribute concert for their Principal Scott Willamson, who will not be returning to his position next semester due to illness. 

Williamson was diagnosed with cancer and took a leave earlier in the school year to focus on his health. The high school began a t-shirt campaign immediately following with #TeamScott printed on the front to show their support. 

"Scott Williamson has been the Principal at Central (Collegiate) since 2008. He has shown dedication to staff, students and parents in many ways and we just want to recognize him for his efforts," said Michelle Dyck, a parent member of the SCC.

The whole community effort concert will feature their school choir, band and pay a special tribute to Williamson on June 14th from 7-9:30pm at the Mae Wilson Theatre.

Proceeds from the concert, a cheesecake raffle and their #TeamScott t-shirt sales will go directly into a bursary scholarship named after Williamson. 

"He has always been there for everybody and has attended events with such dedication that this is really just a small special thanks to him." 

Those interested are also able to pick up red #TeamScott t-shirts or tickets for the concert from the Central Collegiate office during office hours.

People who already have their t-shirts are encouraged to wear them to the fundraising concert.