They've crunched the numbers and they don't like the idea.

Saying that it's going to put too much pressure on employers and employees alike, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business is trying to convince finance ministers from across the country to vote against an Ontario proposal to increase contributions to the CPP.

The move to increase the Canada Pension Plan is being proposed by the province of Ontario but it has backing from the newly elected Federal Liberal Government. Ministers from across the country are meeting Monday to go over the proposal and CFIB President Dan Kelly is trying to intervene.

"This is not going to mean any increase in benefits anytime soon." argues Kelly. "What it will mean is an immediate increase in the payroll deductions that an employee must pay and that the employer must contribute on their behalf."

In order to pass, ministers representing two thirds of the Canadian population must vote in favour of the motion. If that happens, Kelly claims the already unstable economy will suffer in the form of  slowed job growth and even businesses being forced to close.