The Saskatchewan Dragoon's will once again host a Valentine's Day Ball to help raise money for Hunger in Moose Jaw.


The Saskatchewan Dragoons have teamed up once again with Hunger in Moose Jaw to present the Valentine's Ball coming up February 10th.

The gala event us in support of the local program that provides nutrition meals through various programs.

Carol Acton with Hunger in Moose Jaw says the event is a blessing. "It is a big deal for us. What's really wonderful about it is that its so important for Hunger in Moose Jaw to have community involvement and we depend a lot on our community so that we are able to operate and run these programs. We couldn't so it without help from people like the Saskatchewan Dragoons and others in our community that help us every day."

The Saskatchewan Dragoons Valentine Charity Ball is being held February 10th with dinner and dancing. Tickets are available from the Dragoon office at the LCol D.V. Currie VC Armoury on Main Street.