With the wicked weekend storms that ripped up the gut of Saskatchewan, cleanup is now underway.

Wendy Gustafsson and her family farm in the Macoun area, and ended up with extensive damage to their property including toppled trees and knocked over grain bins.

"We were fine at our place. No one was hurt. The granaries are going to be a bit of a task to get back upright and a couple of them are smashed. It's fairly extensive damage. I think we're prepared for the next one, it sounds like another may be coming."

Gustafsson didn't let the storm and damage to her farm bring down her spirits, however.

"Maybe if the wind is blowing the opposite direction as last time, it will stand my tree's up again."

"It was kind of a hit and miss thing. We drove into town(Macoun), there were a few branches here and there but it was definitely concentrated in certain areas." She reflected, "Our neighbours were building a shed and it got taken down, and the roof blew partially off a house just down the road from us."

Gustafsson drew a lot of comparisons with this storm to one that occurred in 1997. The wind assault was so strong in fact that it bent animal cages in near their home.

In their yard, they saw 35-year-old trees completely uprooted and toppled, one tree narrowly missing the family's SUV. There were also anchored grain bins that literally fell victim to the wind. A family peacock was perched in one tree before it came crashing down, luckily the bird came out unscathed aside from some fear.

Besides the peacock, all of the farm animals were away safe in the barn and avoided any harm. Gustafsson said for her animals being safe and everyone making it through uninjured as well makes her extremely grateful. 

You can see a photo gallery of the damage done to the Gustafsson farm below.