Last week’s Producer Crop tour with the CWB gave producers and customers a better idea of what’s happening out in the field.

Bruce Burnett is with CWB’s Market Research Services Department says the hot dry conditions that some area crops had through the bulk of the growing season has impacted potential yields.

"In terms of production, we're looking at production just a little bit over 23 million tons for all wheat, and the springs 12 per cent lower than last year, so that crop has seen the least amount of production, whereas again, for canola you're looking at a drop around 20 per cent."

The west central and southwest corner of the province has seen the drier conditions while producers in some areas in the north and east have had some timely rains.

Burnett says last week’s CWB’s Crop tour shows overall yield expectations are down to about 27.8 bushels an acre.

"Total durum production now looking to be down around 25 to 30 per cent from last year, about 25 per cent from last year. These are the lowest durum yields, that we are currently projecting at least, the lowest durum yeilds since the early parts of the 2000's where we had a very significant drought in these areas across the south."

There’s hope that this week’s rainfall will help to fill out the crops as they finish.