He's such a nice guy.  He's probably embarrassed by all the attention.  Dozens and dozens are reacting on social media - family, friends and customers - after the Moose Jaw Co-op shared his story.

Dave, an employee at the South Hill Gas Bar, observed a disabled man in a wheelchair "struggling to make it across a busy 9th Avenue."  So, Dave dropped what he was doing and "sprung into action."

Dave got the man to safety and then he took the time to talk to him and find out where he was going.  Dave then wheeled the man all the way to the bus stop he need to get to - several blocks away.

The Co-op's statement reads, "Thank you Dave for showing kindness...we are proud to have people like you..."

Today, CHAB salutes Dave with our Good Guy of the Week award.  Dave gets a gift card from Bobby's Place Olde World Tavern.

Way to go, Dave!