Here in the Friendly City, we've got lots of amazing citizens that we should be proud of, one being local clothing designer Taylor Drake.

Drake recently launched his clothing line The Onwards Club with a promise to donate 10% of his proceeds to mental health and suicide prevention services. He says that combining his interests in fashion and mental health just made sense.

"So it's something that I hold close to myself and that I'm passionate about in my family. And I've always actually had a passion for clothing as well and expressing myself in that medium, so this was a really good outlet for me and a way to get some more awareness out there."

While greats strides have been made in removing the stigma around mental health over the past few years, there is still work to be done.

"There's still a slight bit of stigmatization about it but the more that people open up and realize that they're not alone it really helps. This is a good opportunity for me to reach towards other people who might struggle."

Drake says that the positive response to his new line has been overwhelming. 

"Honestly people have been really open about it which is huge. I only just recently began opening up about my own struggles and learning not to hide it anymore. People have had nothing but open arms and huge support."

You can explore more of what The Onwards Club has to offer here.