I'm thinking, if you can incorporate them into your every day conversation, you'll make people happy.

Researchers have decided on some of the funniest words in the English language.  This is serious.  They've found the letter K and the sound "oo" seem to show up in funny words.  They studied words and their impact on emotions and broke it down into six categories from animals to profanity, partying and insults to sex and bodily functions.

Among their conclusions?  Age and gender did not come into play in what we find humorous.

So, now you want to know the funniest words, right?

Well, the top 10 include upchuck, bubby and wriggly along with yaps, giggle, cooch and guffaw with puffball and jiggly earning their spots.  Oh, and there's one some might find offensive on this family radio show.

Now, proceed with caution.  If you were to call someone a "jiggly puffball" today, you might not get a "guffaw" out of them.