The local 5 Hills Health Region, along with several other health regions, is looking at what they can do to prevent another set of outbreaks in the future.


Since the start of the year we've told you about several health care facilities in Saskatchewan being closed to visitors due to the Norwalk Virus. The Moose Jaw Union Hospital was once of them.

Now that things are back to normal many health regions are re-evaluating their infection control policies.

5 Hills Health Region CEO Dan Florizone says they're one of them. "I think what you see is a very heightened awareness. In the post SARS world its extremely important that we think through not only what we do in a pandemic or an outbreak, but what we should be doing day in and day out in protection of those we serve."

That could include limiting the use of stethoscopes in more than one area of the hospital or even medical uniforms to prevent virus or bacteria from spreading.