Going beyond the disease, November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes requires constant attention, and also understanding, making it important to give it awareness like this.

Here in Moose Jaw, a support group meets once a month with those with diabetes and their family and friends to help each other as they deal with the disease.

Diane Rhodes is one of the groups facilitators, her husband and son also have diabetes, and she finds this month is important for diabetes.

"[The month] helps to make people aware that it's a disease that needs our attention and we need to keep up on all the newest technology newest treatment to help make people with diabetes easier to manage," Rhodes said. "There's so much new technology, new developments all over the world."

One thing Rhodes wants people to know is that you can live a healthy life with diabetes, sometimes a healthier one than before the disease. You can keep very healthy the only difference is they have to manage it and look after themselves.

November 14th was also World Diabetes Day.

If you'd like to be a part of the monthly support group, they meet next on December 11th at 7:30 pm at the Providence Place Rose Room. You can call Rhodes at (306) 691-0091 for more information.