union hospital 1

Moose Jaw Union Hospital

It's been a long three and a half weeks but the campaigning is drawing to a close.  We vote on Monday in the provincial election and to wrap up the campaign we're Meeting the Candidates.

We've asked all of the Moose Jaw candidates the same list of questions and we're presenting their responses in a mini forum. Thursday we asked about affordable housing and you can find their answers by clicking here. Now we're taking a closer look at health care.

Health care has been a major election issue in Moose Jaw and all parties are promising to build a new hospital but there are problems that affect all of Saskatchewan.  There just aren't enough doctors and nurses to go around so we want to know what each party plans to do to address the doctor and nursing shortage in Saskatchewan.

We have all of the candidate responses below with the exception of Wakamow Green Party candidate Deanna Robilliard.  She declined to take part in the Meet the Candidates feature.


Moose Jaw North NDP candidate Derek Hassen

Moose Jaw Wakamow NDP incumbent Deb Higgins

Moose Jaw Wakamow SaskParty candidate Greg Lawrence

Moose Jaw North PC candidate Rick Swenson

Moose Jaw Wakamow PC candidate Tom Steen

Moose Jaw North Green Party candidate Corinne Johnson

Moose Jaw North SaskParty incumbent Warren Michelson