A mix of student pilots, 15 Wing officials and civilians showed up at the Royal Canadian Legion in Moose Jaw Saturday night in memory of 2Lt. Andrew Naismith. 

Naismith was jogging near the Base in 2003, when he was struck and killed by a vehicle, whose driver had fallen asleep at the wheel.

Soon after, the Andrew Naismith Benevolent Fund was created to provide bursaries for Naismith's three children upon graduating high school.  The Fund will also support other military families in similar situations to the Naismiths.

Captain Ross Harbottle, who helped organize Saturday's steak/chicken fundraiser, said over 100 tickets were sold and $1300 was raised for the Fund, and he hopes to double that amount when the event is held next year.  

The Naismith's oldest daughter will graduate high school in 2018.