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It's time for Twitter Tuesday! I find the best from the best of the Twitterati.

I like this, "I will retweet a tweet with a typo because it's your mistake, not mine."

This guy, "Not to brag but some of my tweets are Facebook memories."

A recently married friend says, "Marriage is 60% pointing to things and 40% never mind, I'll get it myself."

Here's a funny friend who shares, "Trying to get the CEOs of Pizza Hut and Sunglass Hut on the phone. I have an idea!"

I can relate to this, "I never leave voicemails. You saw my missed call. That's the voicemail. Call me back."

Here's a guy who says, I just had an employee warm-up chicken fingers in the microwave and then put ketchup on them. I'm firing him after lunch."

And we'll finish with this, "What's the difference between Dubai and Abu Dhabi? The people of Dubai don't like The Flintstones and the people of Abu Dhabi do!