All throughout the month of October, Mix 103.9 FM partnered with local businesses to raise money for the Mammography Matters campaign to purchase a new digital mammography unit for the Dr F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital.

Thanks to the support of Wrapture Spa, McKarr's Furniture, Fountain Tire, Family Pizza, Prairie Spring Water & Belleza Moda, $1998 was raised

Executive director with the Moose Jaw Health Foundation – Kelly McElree

"Every dollar counts. We so greatly appreciate you doing this, early detection is the key. In this province, 750 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every single year."

"You know, I see people come into the hospital every day for mammograms. They do over 3,300 mammograms at our hospital each and every single year, this makes a tremendous difference. Thank you to everyone in Moose Jaw and the surrounding area that contributed or sponsored this, wow, thank you."

In addition to the funds these great partners raised, Morning show hosts Nick and Sharon took donations to keep Nick's nails painted. For every $10 donated they put up a pink ribbon at Mix 103 to signify one more day that Nick would have painted nails, in the end, donations helped put up 140 ribbons for an additional $1400.

The grand total raised for the Mammography Matters campaign was $3398.

"Every radiologist I talk to, every mammographer I talk to, every doctor I talk to talks about having that mammogram," says McElree, "Its the next generation of mammography technology, it's more accurate, better imaging, so the radiologists can notice even the smallest detection of breast cancer."