So, you live in Moose Jaw and you have a job.  Do you ever walk to work?  If you do, you are an anomaly.  Only 4% - that's right, 4 out of every 100 walk to work on a regular basis in The Friendly City.  It's just one of the interesting findings from Money Sense Magazine's annual "Best Places to Live in Canada" survey.

Money Sense has our population at 35,291.  It's interesting to note less than 1% of the population rides a bicycle to work and only 0.74% of us use the city transit service.

What's your annual salary?  Compare it to the average "household" income in Moose Jaw - it's $89,686.  

What's your home worth?  The average value of primary real estate in Moose Jaw is over $311,000.  The average rent for a two bedroom apartment?  It's $915.

Oh, and the weather is a factor on the quality of life.  Did you know we have an average 115 days a year above 20 degrees celsius?  We also get a total of 177 days a year above zero.  So, that means we get 188 days BELOW zero.  

What do we take from this?  I think we're lazy, privileged and cold most of the time.