It's been said that if you don't like the weather in Saskatchewan, just wait and it'll change soon enough.  The next 18-24 hours in Moose Jaw and the southern part of the province will likely prove that saying true.

Flurries and showers started in the area Thursday afternoon and the unstable weather will continue into Friday.  The weather has the potential to cause troubles particulalry on the highways.  The popular Facebook page "Highway #1 Between Moose Jaw and Regina" was filled with posts Friday afternoon highlighting the troubles.  For example.....

Regina to MJ 2:45-3:45. Wouldn't recommend travel. Blowing snow from Regina to BP (Belle Plaine). Freezing rain from BP to Moose Jaw. Rain freezes instantly on your windshield. Lots including me had to pull over and scrape their windshields so you could see to continue driving. Will be very very icy in an hour or two.

Here is a look at what is ahead from the weather center.