Movember Movement is underway!

Firefighters from across Canada come together to help raise funds and awareness for men's health. Helping men live happier, healthier and longer lives just one moustache at a time. And not just firefighters!

November 1st has crept up on you gentlemen, and you know what that means. During the next 30 days in November, men are encouraged to grow out that upper lip to the best of their ability by not shaving, in regards to raising funds and awareness for men's health. Specifically, prostate cancer and male mental health initiatives.

There are lot's of fundraisers out there for women that are in action to support breast cancer and various other awareness's, but we don't necessarily see a lot of fundraisers and events like this in support of men, therefore many men around the world recognize "Movember" and choose to participate in growing out a mustache.

Research shows that across the world, men die an average of 6 years younger than women, and for reasons that are largely preventable, which means it doesn't have to be that way. All can take action to live a healthy and longer life.

In the streets, you may hear various names such as Nose Neighbor, Soup Strainer, Flavor Saver, Cookie Duster, Face Furniture and Mouth Brow within the Movember Movement.

To all participating in the Movember Movement, let er' grow for a good cause!