The NDP are expressing their concerns over the province's announcement to amalgamate Saskatchewan's 12 health regions into one combined health authority.

NDP Leader Trent Wotherspoon believes it's an admission of guilt on the part of the Brad Wall government, saying they are now trying to save the money that Wotherspoon alleges was wasted on the LEAN program.

"This is the same government that's cranked up that very spending, and it's the Sask Party that wasted over $100 million dollars, going out and training senior administrators and folks all across the province with that 'American LEAN Program', that wasted dollars and wasted time, and now in many ways this is certainly an admission of their failure and their waste on that front."

Wotherspoon added, "Seems that they're wanting to overtake local authority, local control over healthcare and centralize it out of the Premier's office and really we see this a real coded approach for cuts in services and health facilities and a real concern for Saskatchewan people."

Worried that education could be the next thing to fall into the sights of the Sask Party Government, the opposition NDP was quick to raise their concerns with the yesterday's announcement.

"We have a diverse and a very proud province but we have distinct needs in communities across Saskatchewan, and to think that all this could be centralized out of the Premier's office is just not on."

The Provincial Government made the announcement on Wednesday that they were accepting recommendations provided by the Saskatchewan Advisory Panel, that included the amalgamation.