If you don't have family near or anyone to spend the holidays with, Riverside Mission in Moose Jaw wants you to know you're not alone and that you have somewhere to go.

Executive Director, Scott Elger, said that there could be a number of reasons that people require assistance from their men's shleter. 

"Depending on what has happened in their lives like a break-up in a relationship, a hard time with finding work... seasons or weather, economics," said Elger. "We try to give hope all year round, and the person who comes in at Christmas might be a little extra lonely because of the holiday. Our goal is to always be there to give that meal or that place to stay if they need it, and let them know that they're important to somebody."

Their annual Christmas supper that it is open to one and all takes place on Friday this week. 

"Everyone is welcome, and we are family friendly. There's good supervision there and it's a safe place for anybody to come."

Click here to head to the Riverside Mission website.