SaskPower teams have been putting in a lot of hours as they fight back against the heavy frost that's been damaging their grid.

The fog and frost have been loading the powerlines, causing outages across the province.

SaskPower spokesperson Jordan Jackle said, "We've had crews out in the field working night and day since Friday. It's a pretty widespread situation. Lots of areas south of P.A. [Prince Albert] right to the US border are experiencing this."

Jackle said, "That additional weight causes the line to sag significantly, or to break. Other times, it pulls the equipment off of the power pole."

The only way to eliminate the outages, said Jackle, is for the weather to turn sunny and clear, allowing the frost to melt and fall off the power lines.  

Until that happens, residents are asked to be patient and call the outage centre at 306.310-2220 if the power is or does go out.

Jackle said the outage centre has already taken about 25,000 calls from people in central and southern Saskatchewan.