December's province-wide traffic safety spotlight was on impaired driving and over 300 drivers were charged with related offences.

In total there were 308 offences and 8 of these were low blood alcohol content offences and the other 300 were criminal code charges.

In 2014 Saskatchewan imposed tougher impaired driving laws and Kelley Brinkworth, Manager of Media Relations for SGI commented on whether a change has been noticed in the numbers as a result of this.

"It's pretty early, but we have seen a decrease in the number of crashes related to impaired driving, and we hope that's something that continues."

In addition, Brinkworth says 3124 tickets were given out for speeding and 145 tickets were given out for distracted driving.

Although the numbers are down from the previous December, they are actually up from the last impaired driving spotlight month which took place in May 2015.

Brinkworth says that impaired driving is still the number one factor in fatal crashes in Saskatchewan.