The Local Area Plan for South Hill suggests keeping commercial development along major connector streets, outlined in light blue

The ground work has been done and now it's time to implement their findings and recommendations.  City Councillors received the final draft of the South Hill Local Area Plan Monday night, outlining the best aspects of the neighbourhood and goals for the future.

Danny Roy with Prairie Wild Consulting explained residents like the feel of the neighbourhood and really want to keep that close knit aspect.

"Overall, it was an exciting process and community members were excited to have their voices heard, in terms of where they want to go with their neighbourhood." said Roy. "Through the five community engagement processes that we've done and the showcasing of the first draft, I think the feedback has been very positive."

Danny Roy presents the report to councillors Monday night

It's now up to city administration to page through the long report and find recommendations that can be implemented immediately, items that can be fit into the current budget and then long term goals that will have to be planned for. The report does from the simplest of items like more flower planters and benches to where commercial developments should be allowed to be located, according to what the consultants heard from community meetings.

But it's not just a matter of approving the entire document and then start ticking the boxes according to Manager of Planning and Development Services Michelle Sanson.

"Everything would come forward on a one off basis. So the council of the day would be responsible for anything that would come forward at that time and responsible for any budget associated with it." explained Sanson. "These are more the vision from the community at this point."

But already there's some dissension in the ranks.  Former South Hill Community Association Chair Jan Radwanski made his position very clear, interrupting a portion of the meeting to voice his displeasure with the suggestion that more commercial development is needed.

Councillors exam the reportThe report included a map suggesting commercial development being concentrated along 4th Avenue, 9th Avenue and the one way streets on the east side of South Hill, as a guide for council for approving new projects.  But Radwanski argued, he never got the feeling that residents wanted commercial development.

"We have to be careful about possibly eroding residential areas for commercial purposes because that could possibly lead to more urban sprawl." said Radwanski after the meeting. "I like central South Hill being compact, I like the mixed use idea but I think we have to be careful about how we take out residential housing for commercial purposes."

The consultants were quick to point out that this is a 25 year plan and residents they spoke with at the meetings voiced a want for more shops and amenities in the neighbourhood, suggesting it was best to try and keep them on the main connector streets and out of the residential areas.

You can take a look at the Local Area Plan here.