I guess he likes to walk on the sunny side of the street.  A local guy I was talking to on the weekend.  We were making small talk and, of course, the recent cold snap was top of mind.

He told me, "This is what we need.  The ice is safe for ice fishing, there's lots of snow for the snowmobile riders AND we'll have some nice run-off for the farmers in the spring.  It's all good," he said.

I suppose he's right, isn't he?  I can remember back in the 80s when we went years with very little snow or rain.  Times were tough around here.  We need the snow and the cold - it's good for local retailers and, therefore, the local economy.

If that doesn't cheer you up, remember, Wiarton Willie predicted an early spring on Groundhog Day and, you should know, The Old Farmer's Almanac uses the word "sunny" in the forecast five times and "mild" four times between now and the end of March.