L-R: Jay Butler, Gwyneth Greenstock and Ray Boughen display the new "Support Our Troops" pin

It's a way to show your pride and help a soldier. 

Yesterday, Fifth Avenue Collection launched their "Support Our Troops" pin, a pin designed in part by Jay Butler, President and CEO of Fifth Avenue Collection, that supports the True Patriot Love Foundation.

Gwyneth Greenstock, one of the distributors for Fifth Avenue Collection, approached Butler with the idea for the pin fundraiser, saying that "the decision was made to donate to the True Patriot Love Foundation, which has lots of programs for military families".

Butler says that they wanted to jump in to help that foundation because our soldiers put so much on the line for our country.

"They do so much for us, and yet there's not a whole lot that is being done at different levels.  Not that the government can't support it or won't support it, it's just that they have their costs built in, and if society has to pick up some of the costs, then so be it."

Palliser MP Ray Boughen was at Fifth Avenue for the launch of the pin in Moose Jaw yesterday, and is thrilled with the local company's patriotic initiative.

"I think it's important that we, as a society, champion those things that are important to us.  Certainly, the military is important, and Fifth Avenue recognizes the sacrifices that men and women have made in the military, and this is a living example of that."

The pin will sell for $19.95 is available to purchase now at www.fifthavenuecollection.com.  Sales of the pin began a few months ago in Canada, and already 15-thousand dollars has been raised for True Patriot Love.

Proceeds from pin sales go towards members of the military, veterans, and their families who are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

To learn more, visit the True Patriot Love website at http://truepatriotlove.com/.