They had already recorded two albums but neither one of us had heard of them.  It was the summer of 1986.  I had just started my new job at CHAB Radio.  I was in news and sports but the young music director wanted to show me what he did for a living.  I obliged.

Once a week he'd set up in our music library and go through the packages from all the record companies.  He opened up those records and cassettes and cranked 'em up.  Our format then was "Favourites of Yesterday and Today" so, some of that new music  had a shot at radio play.  It was important work.

I clearly remember him opening up an impressive package.  It came with a poster and a record along with a cassette tape.  The record was Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet.  Our music director took a look and said, "Hmmm.  Bon Jovi.  Probably some French band outta Quebec."  He then filed that record away.

It was a little over two months later that record was #1 on the charts.  Bon Jovi sure fooled that guy, didn't they?

We got rid of that guy...probably one of the reasons we're still operating and celebrating 95 years on the air this fall.