After a summer of fun and carefree days in the sun, kids are back in school and with that comes the threat of bullies.


As a parent are you worried that your children are the targets of bullying at school?

If you are, you should be aware that the Canadian Red Cross offers education for both parents and children on how to deal with the problem.

Norm Jakubowski, Coordinator of the RespectED Program at Red Cross says research shows there is an incidence of bullying every seven minutes on the playground. He says protecting our children and making them feel comfortable and safe at school is the responsibility of teachers and parents.

"We're also trying to get to the adult group so that they can identify when their kids are having some troubles and when their child is experiencing some difficulties with difficulties and what some of the signs are that bullying is taking place."

Jakubowski says by helping kids to know how to report bullying, the bullying can be stopped.