Carnie's Comments


It's Throwback Thursday - just a minute to remember the good ol' days.

I love this time of year. I always have.

It started when I was a school boy looking forward to summer vacation. Oh, I liked going to school but I LOVED doing what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.

My birthday arrives near the end of June so the pizza party and sleepover with the boys also served as a school year wind-up. Oh, we had some fun.

Mom would make us a homemade pizza with a little help from Chef Boyardee. She'd add extra meat and mozzarella cheese. I can still smell and taste it. 

We'd follow that up with a little angel food cake with Dream Whip and fresh strawberries - my favourite.

And then it was an evening full of activity, usually some football or baseball at the park and then we'd try to stay up all night and sneak out for some shenanigans after mom and dad went to sleep.

A part of me believes we could recreate a party like that but I can't find those Chef Boyardee pizza kits anymore and, frankly, having the fellas over for a sleepover might be awkward.