Local woman gathers signatures to let City Hall know there is support for the Civic Centre site if the multiplex goes forward.


There was the petition for the multiplex, the petition for a vote on the multiplex, and now a new petition is being passed around Moose Jaw regarding the location of the MultiPlex.

Teri Therens has started to collect signatures in support of a Civic Centre location for the multiplex project if it ever moves forward.

She works at Smitty's in the mall and says support has been strong so far. "We have a lot of people that come in an out of the mall on a daily basis and all with concerns on the multiplex and questions. It was suggested to us that we start a petition to voice the opinion of everyone of where the location of the multiplex should be."

Therens says the petition is not to force a Civic Centre location but rather to let Councilors know there is strong support for that area.

So far Therens has collected about 1400 signatures.