
It's the talk of the town and the campaign isn't even underway yet. Moose Jaw will vote for a new mayor and council October 28th. Thursday we brought you the news of Mayor Dale McBain deciding against re-election due to prostate cancer treatment.

Today, the questions surrounding our next mayor are already being asked and we've been able to get in touch with the man that appears to be at the centre of most conversations. Former Moose Jaw North MLA Glenn Hagel.

"Its something that we're giving some thought to. I've had some encouragement and I'm definitely considering running for mayor. What I want to do is take the summer and talk to people about what they see the future of Moose Jaw being and also to decide if I can bring the kind of leadership that Moose Jaw wants."

Hagel served Moose Jaw in the legislature for 21 years before losing to the Saskatchewan Party's Warren Michelson in the last provincial election. Hagel says he plans to have a decision made by Labour Day.

Mayor Dale McBain says three potential candidates had contacted him about his intentions but he declined to comment on who those people were. The official nomination process doesn't even start until September with the vote set for October 28th.