green guide

With all of the white stuff on the ground it's pretty hard to think about anything green right now but the Municipal Advisory Committee on the Environment is set to released their "Green Guide." The handbook on recycling will answer questions like what to do with old batteries, motor oil, magazines and even Ipods.

While City Hall is still working on bringing a curb-side recycling program to Moose Jaw, Committee Chair Don McKenzie believed the guide will still be useful and help those residents who are looking to go a little further in their recycling efforts.

"They're in the process of being printed right now and what's going to happen is that once they come out and we have them, then we're probably going to end up mailing them to each individual house." explained McKenzie. "There is going to be a copy of it on the city website so even if they don't get it in the mail, then can look it up on the city website."

The guides contain a broad list of materials and where they can be taken to be recycled. McKenzie added that even if Moose Jaw does adopt a recycling program, the guide will still be handy to have around. He expects the guide to be ready in a couple of weeks.