Terry Fox attempted to run across Canada in 1980 to raise money for cancer research after losing his leg to osteosarcoma.  

While he passed away before he could complete his run, people in cities across the country hold annual events to honour his legacy and continue to fundraise for cancer research.  

The run itself is not until September 15, but local Terry Fox Run organizer Stephanie Meyer said she’s looking for help. 

Prior to the event, Meyer said she’s looking for help planning out this year’s route. “Hopefully I have some maybe avid runners or walkers that want to volunteer their time and say ‘oh yeah, this is about 5K and it’s a good route’ or ‘this is about 10 K and it’s a good route.” 

Meyer added that they are also booked in for four farmer’s markets in Wakamow this year, and she’s also looking for volunteers to man the booth on August 17, 24, and 31, and September 7. “We’ll have T-shirts available for sale and information on the run.” 

While the date has not been set Meyer said they are also planning to have a BBQ leading up to the run and would need people to help with food preparation. 

She’s also looking for people to help her put up posters and letters about the run throughout the city at places including seniors’ residences, schools, and businesses. “If someone had comfort in doing that and doesn’t mind popping into businesses saying ‘hey, can I put a poster up,’ then that’s always helpful, because obviously all of these things take a lot of time.” 

For someone who is savvy for social media, Meyer would also like to hand over control of the Terry Fox Facebook page. “The closer you get to the run, it’s a lot about talking about it, so that people know it’s actually coming up and that it’s available to attend.” 

When it comes to the run itself, Meyer said plenty of help will be needed on the day, starting off with set up at 9 a.m. on run day. “We start setting up and making sure tents are good to go, and then we’re ready for 10:30.” 

People will be needed to assist with registration prior to the run on Sunday, September 15 at Vanier’s football field at 10:30 a.m.  

She’d also like to have more water stations available this year along the 10K route. “Some of the runners kind of missed it last year, so we want to make sure that that’s all in place – and again, that requires more people.” 

Volunteers will be needed to manage the play zone for kids, which is expected to include a bouncy castle, colouring station, and yard games. “There’s a little bit of supervision there, making sure things don’t fly away off the tables.” 

“We also do a BBQ for the runners after, so there’s water available and hot dogs,” she added.  

At the end of the run, Meyer will be looking for help to pack everything up. 

Meyer became the main organizer for the run several years ago following her sister being in remission from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. “I’ve always kind of said cancer is one of those things that makes you feel really helpless. You are at the mercy of how quickly medicine advances, how well the treatments take.” 

She said volunteering gave her the opportunity to feel like she was contributing and made her feel less helpless. “My sister’s still here, and she’s still doing great and that’s fantastic. But you know, that doesn’t mean the issue is gone.” 

“I think, having had that feeling a few years ago, I’d love to encourage people to lean into it if they’re feeling the same way, because it’s really something great that you can contribute to.” 

Last year, the Moose Jaw Terry Fox run had 87 participants and raised $5,077.  

Anyone interested in volunteering this year can call Stephanie at 306-690-9415, or email her at terryfoxrunmj@gmail.com