Dale McBain is still flipping through the pages of the provincial budget but so far all he can find is 412 thousand dollars in revenue sharing and nothing for the hospital.


It's looking okay for the City of Moose Jaw when it comes to the provincial budget.

That 30 million dollars for revenue sharing means about 412 thousand dollars extra for the Friendly City and that will help to balance the Operating Budget.

While 58 million was announced for infrastructure support, Mayor Dale McBain doesn't think we'll be getting any of that. "When we take a look at the budget a lot of that is carry over money... right at first blush it looks like there's not going to be a lot of money in that infrastructure fund for us but there is still that Building Communities Fund for the MultiPlex."

Overall McBain was happy with the budget saying the extra revenue sharing will help with the Operating Budget that current has a 376 thousand-dollar deficit. On the other hand most of the 412 thousand dollars was already allowed for in the Moose Jaw Budget.

When it comes to things our mayor was not pleased with was the fact cities, like Moose Jaw, still have to pay 35 percent of the cost for upgrades to health care facilities while Regina and Saskatoon do not. In addition, no start date was included in the health care portion of the budget for the expansion to the Moose Jaw Union Hospital.