Thanks to a Good Samaritan, the Moose Jaw Humane Society and a little luck, a local cat is on the road to recovery. 

"On Tuesday afternoon we got a call here at the shelter..some people found an injured cat where Sobey's used to be (on Thatcher Drive East)," said Stephanie Campbell of the Moose Jaw Humane Society. "The kitten had (received) a very serious leg injury..the bottom part of her (front left) leg was cut off and there was protruding bone."

MJHS Manager Ellen Williams immediately went to pick up the injured cat, which they named Noelle, and took her to Moose Jaw Animal Clinic, where Campbell says the vet figured the cat had "gone up under a car to stay warm" and was injured once the engine was started. 

Campbell explained that normally a cat that size (the tabby is estimated to be 5-6 months old) wouldn't survive such a severe injury, but Noelle was "still quite alert, she was purring..she was (likely) grateful to have been rescued."

Campbell says the vet clinic recommended amputating the leg, but that Noelle would still be able to live a "happy, healthy life". 

"She is now what we call a 'tri-pod' kitty," chuckled Campbell, who says "we know from prior experience that never slows them down.  Three legs are almost as good as four legs, especially for a cat that young."

Campbell expects Noelle to be recovered from surgery and back at the shelter any time now, and figures that "she'll be adopted very quickly". Campbell added that during the amputation surgery, the Animal Clinic also spayed Noelle. 

As for trying to prevent more accidents like this, Campbell says "we urge everyone to be cautious when you go to your vehicle in the morning..just give it a good thump and that will scare any pets out of there that are hiding to stay warm."