The Saskatchewan Teacher's Federation says it is consulting its members regarding the use of binding arbitration to reach a new collective bargaining agreement with the provincial government.

According to a press release from the STF, the consultation will focus on two paths forward, one of which will be the use of binding arbitration to resolve class complexity accountability framework and teachers' wages.

No other information is expected to be released while the STF membership consultation process is taking place.

The STF says it will release more details on Friday afternoon and in the coming days.

The idea of binding arbitration goes back to March when the Teachers' Bargaining Committee offered binding arbitration for the issues for classroom size and complexity that was rejected by the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee.

Teachers voted "no" at the end of May to a tentative agreement that was put forward to the STF members. The Teachers' Bargaining Committee and the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee returned to the negotiation table on June 4. The provincial government's stance was that binding arbitration is needed to move forward.

At the time, the Teachers' Bargaining Committee rejected the proposal because it did not include class complexity. The Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee revised their offer on June 8 to including class complexity accountability framework as well as wages.