Rob- Summer recreation opportunities with Parks and Rec. Let’s talk about that. 

Maryse- It is time to get out there and be active and enjoy the trails, the outdoor pool, the outdoor pool that just opened on the 10th of June. So, it is there, and lots of programs for kids, for youth. I invite everyone to go on the app or on the website and to have a look at the details of everything that’s available. 

Rob- Yeah there is lots of stuff coming up, including swimming lessons for kids and adults, Kinsmen Sportsplex closed for the rest of June for annual maintenance, but the Phyllis Dewar Outdoor Pool is open for our enjoyment. 

Speaking of the Phyllis Dewar Outdoor Pool, where are we at? I know plans are well underway to build a new pool in Moose Jaw and the days are numbered for the Phyllis Dewar Outdoor Pool. Might this be our last summer at the Phyllis Dewar, or are we going to get a couple of years out of it? 

Maryse- We are working on getting a couple more years out of it. So, back in December when we presented to Council for the budget, we presented the conceptual plans for the new outdoor pool. Unfortunately, right now it's on hold as we're looking for funding in the city.  

I think a lot of people know there's a lot of major infrastructure that needs to be replaced. The outdoor pool is one of them. So, we are looking for a source of funding for that, but you should see this new facility, including eight swimming lanes for a 25-meter pool. (There is) a separate leisure pool for the younger crowd that comes to the pool that really wants to enjoy the outdoors. 

Rob- Where can we get a look at that concept? 

Maryse- It is all on our website. If you look at the website for the outdoor pool, there’s an update on the pool replacement that was in November 2020. 

Rob- That's at Still, I’ve got to decide on when and if we get a new outdoor pool (and) the location, correct? 

Maryse- That's right. So, currently we have the plan for the Phyllis Dewar Outdoor Pool location. Council also asked us to perhaps look at having it collocated with Kinsmen. We haven't done the conceptual plans. It wasn't funded for 2024, but that is also an alternative. 

In the future perhaps there would be a way to save a little bit of money by having it collocated. 

Rob- Okay, of course, the Kinsmen includes the Kinsmen Sportsplex, includes all our indoor pool, the Kinsmen Arena and pickleball courts and there is room if you wanted to build a pool on that big lot, you'd have to take out a Little League diamond to get that done but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. One more thing about summer recreation, and word on the street is that we're taking a look at perhaps taking Memorial field out of play. That's one of the options. Perhaps demolishing the building where are we at with that? 

Maryse- So yes, I did see it as well on social media. I've heard about it. So right now, we're looking at all the different options. We know that the stands have been closed for safety, ensuring that that we don't have an issue there.  

There needs to be some work done at Memorial Field. So, we're looking at all the different options right now, the Parks and Rec crew is working on a report that they'll bring to council at the end of the June and then Council will decide on the way forward for Memorial Field. 

Rob- Very popular place and it's been in play for decades in Moose Jaw from football to Little League baseball to fastball and now slow pitch.  

(It) gets a lot of use that field for sure, I mean we've got the lights and people love playing under the lights at Memorial Field. So, I would assume the goal from the City of Moose Jaw is to keep Memorial Field in place. 

Maryse- We're looking at all the options. So, I have to be fully transparent, we are looking at all the options to see what we'll do and as I mentioned, we will present it to Council. You are right; it is very busy. It is a location, it's very special as Memorial Field. So, we will see here in the next few weeks.