The Virtual Coffee Club is back at the Western Development Museum with a whole slate of presenters over the next few months. 

Each session takes place via Zoom from 10 to 11 a.m. It’s a chance to grab a coffee, sit back and learn and reflect on experiences in the past. 

“It was originally in-person and then COVID happened and then we brought them virtually so then we can connect with people throughout all of the province,” said Western Development Museum programs and volunteer coordinator Alexis Jones. 

There is no cost to attend the sessions. However, pre-registration is required by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the presentation. 

“The presentations are about 30 to 40 minutes and then we have 20 minutes of questions or if you have something you want to share or to share a story. So, it’s interactive in that way,” Jones said. 

A presentation was given on Thursday by Joan Brewerton about British Home Children. She talked about an estimated 100,000 children who were sent to Canada from Great Britian between 1869 and 1948 as farm labourers and domestic servants. The average age of these labourers was 12 and 70 of those children were placed in an orphanage in Prince Albert. 

Brewerton returns on Thursday, Feb. 22, for a presentation about old small town Saskatchewan hotels. 

She will be talking about one of the oldest and most common businesses in rural Saskatchewan and the fact many of these old hotels still stand today. She’ll also look at the people who have owned and operated those hotels over the past 100 years. 

On Thursday, March 21, Brian Gallager will be giving a presentation “Boomers in Outer Space, Muscle Cars, Rock & Roll and Ice Cream.” 

This presentation looks at reliving the Baby Boomer generation and the challenges and opportunities that took place during that time. It also gives a comparative look at what has happened since the Second World War with a focus on the prairies. 

Finally, Jones will be giving a presentation on Thursday, April 18, “WDM 75th Anniversary: Timeline History.” 

The Western Development Museum is celebrating its 75 anniversary this year. Jones’ presentation will take a look at how the WDM got started and some of the museum’s big milestones in the past 75 years. 

You can pre-register for these presentations at the WDM website. You can also watch past virtual coffee club presentations on the WDM YouTube channel