The City of Moose Jaw’s Special Needs Advisory Committee wants your opinion. 

A new survey was released to learn more about accessibility for those with special needs in the city. 

“We wanted to see what the concerns are from the average people living with disabilities or supporting people that live with disabilities. What's most important to them so that we can make sure we're providing the best focus possible for our services,” said Mike Bachiu, member of the Special Needs Advisory Committee. 

The committee acts as a liaison between the city and special needs organizations and provides policy and recommendations to city council on matters that affect those living with special needs. 

The survey will be available until Dec. 11. Bachiu explained what will be done with the data. 

“It will be compiled into basically a list to show us what the concerns are and we can look at. Are there areas of higher concentration, or there are some things that we can refer directly to council to let them know there are engineering issues or parks and rec issues or things like that they could address right away? After that, we'll set our priority list.” 

The survey can be found on the City of Moose Jaw’s website or on the city’s free mobile app.