Environment Canada is calling for above-average temperatures heading towards the weekend.

We're expecting plenty of sunshine to end the week, with highs in the upper 20s for Saturday and Sunday.

The average temperature for this time of year is around 19 degrees.

The overnight lows will hover around 6 degrees for the next few nights.

"We're sort of getting close to that frost point, so low-lying areas will probably be more prone to that," said meteorologist Terri Lang. "Particularly tomorrow morning looks a little bit on the cooler side, especially if there's no cloud around. It is that time of year, frost can occur at any time. Nobody should be surprised when there's frost."

Lang says we will see some smoke move into the area over the next day or so.

"There is some smoke, unfortunately, coming back in and out as is going to be the case until those fires are out. It looks like they're going to continue for a while yet. The amount of smoke that we see is going to ebb and flow depending on what the upper winds are doing."

There is a chance of rain towards the middle of next week but Lang says that there are no big weather systems moving in.

Moose Jaw received 2.7 mm of precipitation yesterday.

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