According to a poll released today by the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA), nearly 9 in 10 Canadians (88 per cent) say they are deeply worried about speeding in residential areas however 1 in 5, or 22 per cent, admit to doing it at least sometimes.

CAA says speed-related collisions are on the rise, accounting for a quarter of fatal collisions in the last year for which federal government data is available.  And according to the Traffic Injury Research Foundation, travelling even 10 km kilometres per hour over the speed limit increases the likelihood of a collision by 60 per cent, while saving the average driver only four minutes on a trip.

Christine Niemczyk, director, corporate communications with CAA Saskatchewan says speed limits are posted for ideal weather. The organization asked Canadians to list the top dangerous driving behaviours they admit to doing. The top five included: speeding on the highway (45 per cent), engaging with technology in their car (32 per cent), speeding in residential zones (22 per cent), driving well over the speed limit (19 per cent), and driving when too tired (18 per cent).

The latest CAA findings are based on a poll of 2,503 Canadians (165 from Saskatchewan) carried out from October 20 to 30, 2023. A probability sample of the same size would yield a margin of error of +/-2%.