Carnie's Comments


This is "Blue Monday".  

It's the 3rd Monday in January. They tell us we're all suffering from a lack of daylight and many of us are worried about the debt we incurred over the holiday season. Yes, Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year.

Who made this up?  Apparently, a travel company did. I think they may have invented it to get us thinking about taking a tropical vacation. Clever, eh?

If that's not possible, mental health experts recommend getting out more for fresh air and daylight.  They also say we should take time to smile and reflect on the good things we have in our lives. It'll give us new energy and optimism.

It's all about the numbers to me. It's January 15th so we're halfway through the month and, you know what else?  Spring is just 64 days away. I'm focused on the future.

So, I've decided not to take part in this Blue Monday business. I'm choosing happiness today. 

I hope you do too!